When you open orders, set pending or want to find information about closed positions, it will be displayed at the bottom of the trading platform. There you can find all the necessary information about your trades (marked with green).
OPEN POSITIONS - displays information about open positions. Each open position has the following details: ID, symbol, open time, volume, side (buy or sell), open price, current price, Stop Loss, Take Profit, SWAP, current profit at the moment.
PENDING ORDERS - this tab displays information about pending orders. Each pending position has the following details: ID, symbol, creation time, volume, type, activation price, stop loss and take profit.
FINANCE - this tab displays information about all financial operations conducted on the account. In the section you can also choose the period (last 24 hours - 365 days), operation type (deposit, withdrawal, credit) and status (done, pending, failed, rejected etc).
CLOSED POSITIONS - this tab displays all information about closed orders. Each closed position has the following details: ID, symbol, open time, volume, side (buy or sell), open price, close price, close time, Stop Loss, Take Profit, SWAP, profit and reason your position was closed ( by you, take profit or stop loss etc). In addition, in this section you can see success statistics for a certain period for a specific symbol.
We wish you successful trading with ArtСap !