Company security

Written by Volodymyr
Updated 4 months ago

We protect our infrastructure and platform using industry-leading security technologies. Policies and employee awareness programs show we have protections to detect security breaches. Every security detection and assessment process is monitored and upgraded to ensure system integrity.

Protection of your account

ArtCap protects your account using 2FA and encryption. Salted-secure hash algorithms protect your accounts and passwords.

Fortifying our network

We filter incoming and outgoing network traffic with load balancers, firewalls, and VPNs to prevent cyberattacks. Our infrastructure is constantly monitored, and data is transmitted via encrypted TLS. The legitimacy of all email is assessed by DMARC. To detect cyberattacks, an HTTP Strict-Transport-Security response mechanism is implemented.

Fortifying our platform

The ArtCap security team's Application Security Program improves code security and finds vulnerabilities quickly. We started a bug bounty to improve security by sharing creative ideas and best practices. We have been able to get new perspectives on mitigating upcoming security threats.

We wish you successful trading with ArtСap !

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